Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

Aug 09

A man, the Author, attempts to use a pore-cleansing strip to alleviate his facial acne. In a humorous twist the cosmetic strip is too sticky and therefor rips his skull from his head. This is funny because it could not actually happen. 

The Author is using the stereotype that geeks, his audience, typically have acne on their faces. The acne is not a reaction to the geekiness, but a cause for it. When one has an unattractive or different outward appearance, it can be more difficult to gain acceptance into traditional social circles. It is for this reason that counter-cultures exist - to give the fat, ugly and stupid a place to feel welcome.

A man, the Author, attempts to use a pore-cleansing strip to alleviate his facial acne. In a humorous twist the cosmetic strip is too sticky and therefor rips his skull from his head. This is funny because it could not actually happen.

The Author is using the stereotype that geeks, his audience, typically have acne on their faces. The acne is not a reaction to the geekiness, but a cause for it. When one has an unattractive or different outward appearance, it can be more difficult to gain acceptance into traditional social circles. It is for this reason that counter-cultures exist - to give the fat, ugly and stupid a place to feel welcome.

Aug 06

The Author saw the film Inception and it confused him. He decided to make a comic strip about himself and a squirrel as most visual learners tend to do when frustrated.

The Author saw the film Inception and it confused him. He decided to make a comic strip about himself and a squirrel as most visual learners tend to do when frustrated.

Aug 04

Because the word “Savannah” sounds like “savanna” a female student incorrectly assumes that her professor is mocking her gender (those that descended from the savanna regions of Africa). Actually, he was simply stating that her parents, who reside in Savannah, Georgia raised her poorly. 
The point of this comic, other than to introduce the world to another hilarious pun, is to let all women know that they should stop running their mouths off all of the time and think long-and-hard before attempting to form any opinions.

Because the word “Savannah” sounds like “savanna” a female student incorrectly assumes that her professor is mocking her gender (those that descended from the savanna regions of Africa). Actually, he was simply stating that her parents, who reside in Savannah, Georgia raised her poorly. 

The point of this comic, other than to introduce the world to another hilarious pun, is to let all women know that they should stop running their mouths off all of the time and think long-and-hard before attempting to form any opinions.

Aug 02

In order to feel superior to religious people, atheists reject their God and spirituality. 

In order to feel superior to atheists, the man in today’s comic equates them to those they feel superior to. 

In order to feel superior to the man, the female in the comic makes a sarcastic remark about his opinion.

In order to feel superior to both the male and the female, the Author created a comic to mock them both. 

But who gets to feel superior to even the Author?

In order to feel superior to religious people, atheists reject their God and spirituality.

In order to feel superior to atheists, the man in today’s comic equates them to those they feel superior to.

In order to feel superior to the man, the female in the comic makes a sarcastic remark about his opinion.

In order to feel superior to both the male and the female, the Author created a comic to mock them both.

But who gets to feel superior to even the Author?

Jul 30

The content of a University’s homepage is different from what people want it to be, except for the full name of the school.

The content of a University’s homepage is different from what people want it to be, except for the full name of the school.

Jul 28

What if the game Frogger were real?
A game from geek nostalgia is taken literally in order to create an improbable situation, possibly for use as humor.

What if the game Frogger were real?

A game from geek nostalgia is taken literally in order to create an improbable situation, possibly for use as humor.

Jul 26

Much as we find humor in the dialect of people from past centuries, so will humor be found in our words in the coming centuries.
An observational joke involving self-deprecating humor, this is what white people like.

Much as we find humor in the dialect of people from past centuries, so will humor be found in our words in the coming centuries.

An observational joke involving self-deprecating humor, this is what white people like.

Jul 23

The Author is not able to commit to loving one female, as he always feels there is someone better and more attractive for him elsewhere. This condition was caused by a childhood of watching internet pornography, where men can seemingly have their fill of women, and a recently enhanced ego caused by the success of his internet web-comic.

The Author is not able to commit to loving one female, as he always feels there is someone better and more attractive for him elsewhere. This condition was caused by a childhood of watching internet pornography, where men can seemingly have their fill of women, and a recently enhanced ego caused by the success of his internet web-comic.

Jul 21

In a twist on the old cliché, a soldier writes a letter to his female lover. Except, in this version, the female is a member of the opposing army. In a dramatic twist, the male and female are actually engaged in a battle as the the letter is being written. The comic concludes with the man discovering his love’s location and murdering her with a grenade.
The moral of the story is that women are nearly as good as men at strategic combat.

In a twist on the old cliché, a soldier writes a letter to his female lover. Except, in this version, the female is a member of the opposing army. In a dramatic twist, the male and female are actually engaged in a battle as the the letter is being written. The comic concludes with the man discovering his love’s location and murdering her with a grenade.

The moral of the story is that women are nearly as good as men at strategic combat.

Jul 19

This is an inside joke meant for math and science students. The joke is that while most technology has become dramatically more complex and yet cheaper, Texas Instruments graphing calculators haven’t improved and have risen in price.
This comic is also meant to cause nostalgic feelings in the Reader, hopefully adding a hint of joy and a smile to what will otherwise be another painful, lonely day.

This is an inside joke meant for math and science students. The joke is that while most technology has become dramatically more complex and yet cheaper, Texas Instruments graphing calculators haven’t improved and have risen in price.

This comic is also meant to cause nostalgic feelings in the Reader, hopefully adding a hint of joy and a smile to what will otherwise be another painful, lonely day.